Do You Know About Plant Blindness Know Why Urban People Are More Affected By This

Do You Know About Plant Blindness Know Why Urban People Are More Affected By This

Till now you must have heard things like blindness and color blindness. But do you know that there is also such a thing as plant blindness? Actually, this word is specially used for those people whose sensitivity towards plants is getting lost or people who are no longer interested even in the pots kept in their balcony. Even they have completely stopped recognizing different types of plants. The curiosity to know about new plants is also disappearing inside them, scientists call such people victims of plant blindness.

People have to be aware of plants

If you are not sensitive to plants, then you will be considered a victim of plant blindness. Many times it happens that you pass by some beautiful plants, but do not even pay attention to them. Even the awareness about biodiversity among the people has remained very low. The most serious problem is that people have stopped even recognizing many types of new old plants. The new generation has very little knowledge about plants, especially about local plants.

People are more interested in animals than plants

In many researches published from the year 1998 to 2020, scientists have found that gradually the interest of human beings is shifting from trees to plants and towards animals. People do not spend as much time with trees and plants as they used to spend with them earlier, instead they prefer to spend their time with animals.

People living in cities are more affected

People living in cities have been more victims of plant blindness than those living in villages. Bethan Stagg, an expert in biology education at the University of Exeter and head of this research, says that people living in hi-tech cities and countries have found a lack of attention to plants. This is the reason that the essential experience of such people with plants is decreasing and their ability to recognize plants by looking at them is disappearing.

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